Friday, March 6, 2009

Betting Forum Sports: Keep it Easy – Try Online Gambling

Betting Forum Sports: Keep it Easy – Try Online Gambling
So welcome to Online Gambling for some gambling fun – ONLINE!

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Each gaming site that you finally choose to play with will need you to open an account with them. You will also have to make some deposit before you can start playing. Most of the online gambling sites offer first time bonus and credits. You can use those coupons to start off your initial games and see whether you like it or not. Since it is online, you can take the advantage of its twenty four hours’ business and update your bets if need be.

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Betting Forum Sports: Keep it Easy – Try Online Gambling
So welcome to Online Gambling for some gambling fun – ONLINE!

Bill on national level could open Utah's reservations to Sports Betting

Bill on national level could open Utah's reservations to Sports Betting

SALT LAKE CITY -- Utah is considering supporting a national bill that regulates online gambling, but the measure could potentially present the state with a major dilemma.
"It would open up, probably, the state of Utah to Indian gaming," Attorney General Mark Shurtleff told KSL Newsradio.
Utah currently keeps gambling off the reservation by banning all forms. There are laws against gambling on the Internet, but literally none of them -- in Utah or elsewhere across the country -- are enforced.
"It's going to be an interesting thing for Utah to debate," Shurtleff said. "If you agree to be included in this regulation nationwide, are we saying that we're allowing Internet gambling?" he asked.
Shurtleff says the problem is if the state simply prohibits online gambling like it does now, Utah has no ability to protect people from scammers.
"These sites are unregulated, so there's all kinds of unscrupulous behavior going on," Shurtleff said. "There's no way, you know, right now if you go online and play poker -- unless it's exactly head-to-head, peer-to-peer -- that the games aren't rigged in a way that's going to make you lose."
The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., mandates age requirements and licensing. There's also talk about possibly taxing those regulated Internet gambling sites.
Sunday, Shurtleff met in Washington, D.C., with lawyers from the gaming industry to discuss ways to keep Utah in favor of the measure without opening up the state to other forms of gambling.
"The good news is, we're back here, we're talking about it," Shurtleff said. "They're interested in finding a way for us to be able to do that."

Bill on national level could open Utah's reservations to Sports Betting

On Friday, Ivy League Is Often the Only Game in Town for Betting Sports

On Friday, Ivy League Is Often the Only Game in Town for Betting Sports

LAS VEGAS — On Friday afternoons throughout the basketball season, a longtime sports bettor named Lem Banker sits at his kitchen table with a pair of phones, a large-digit calculator, columns of his wagering calculations and a computer screen flashing live odds. One recent Friday, he homed in on the odds for Harvard’s game at Princeton.
A few miles away, another gambler, Alan Boston, scours publications like The Harvard Crimson and The Cornell Daily Sun, making notes in three-ring binders that include all of his estimates and musings on college basketball. This week, Boston was tracking the health of a Brown forward that would certainly affect his projections.
Banker and Boston are among a small cadre of savvy gamblers who, because of a quirk in college basketball scheduling, become Ivy League scholars each Friday. As nearly every other Division I conference takes the night off, the Ivy League offers the gamblers an opportunity to capitalize on the dearth of information available on teams that represent institutions better known for patents and professors than for athletic prowess.
Banker, 81, who says he has been a professional bettor for more than 50 years, noticed on Feb. 20 that sports books in Las Vegas, where wagering is legal, had listed Princeton as a 5-point favorite. His calculations suggested the score would be closer. He figured that Princeton should be favored by a point.
“That constitutes a play to me,” he said.
A few hours later Harvard beat the 5-point spread, and Banker had a winning ticket.
“I’ve been very successful with the Ivy League, just from the feel,” he said.
Since its rise to Division I status in 1956, the Ivy League has had teams play games on Fridays and Saturdays to uphold the philosophy that student-athletes are students first. This commitment has also made it a favorite destination for educated bettors simply because it gives them something to play on Fridays, which typically offer only about 10 men’s college basketball games. (About 60 games are usually scheduled for Thursdays, and 140 on Saturdays.)
The attention the Ivy League gets from gamblers has cooled somewhat over the last 15 years as the N.B.A. has bolstered its Friday night lineup. One recent Friday afternoon, under the theater-sized screens of the Las Vegas Hilton sports book, most of the chatter revolved around a couple of N.B.A. games on the East Coast. Other college conferences, like the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, have also taken to scheduling Friday night games and, similarly, have attracted gambling action.
But several sports book directors here said they still took thousands of dollars in bets on Friday night Ivy games — largely from professional gamblers.
“It doesn’t get any action except for the sharp action,” said Jay Kornegay, the director of the sports book at the Las Vegas Hilton. “You can sit there and put up all these lines and they’re not going to play anything until you make a mistake.”
Whereas a typical top-25 matchup may generate $100,000 in wagers in Nevada, Kornegay said, an Ivy League game on a Friday night brings in about $12,000 to $15,000 — nearly all of it from a few gamblers. “And most of the time they’re the big plays,” he added, meaning bets in the $500 to $2,000 range. “You just don’t have the average Joe.”
Without wagers from the general public — those who gamble for entertainment and not necessarily for a living — the sports books are left exposed. Over the years, some gamblers learned that the conference of Harvard, Yale, low scores and high grades could be an opportunity because reliable information was at such a premium.
“If Columbia suddenly doesn’t start three guys, we have no way of knowing,” said John Harper, a senior oddsmaker at Las Vegas Sports Consultants, which supplies lines to most of the sports books in Nevada.
Everyone has their own method for scouting. Besides gut feeling, there is the obvious strategy of rigorously examining box scores. Kenny White, the chief operating officer of Las Vegas Sports Consultants, spends much of the off-season doing exactly that. It is how he assembles a massive binder that covers every team in Division I men’s basketball. Each team has a sheet that lists every player, statistic and result from the previous season. And each sheet is tweaked religiously as games come and go.
As White puts it, he “massages the stats” and then assigns a number for every side. Of course, he adjusts for things like past performance, injuries and home court but also for a few more esoteric elements like “revenge” — how badly a team might want to avenge an embarrassing result in their previous meeting. Thus, for every matchup, he is left with a pair of numbers. The difference between them becomes his spread.
But finding accurate information on injuries is still a challenge. White said that Web sites like could only take a gambler so far. That is why Boston, an Ivy League alumnus (Pennsylvania) and a professional gambler for more than 20 years, remains a loyal reader of the Ivy League student newspapers. Because none of the Ivy papers publish a Saturday edition, he said he was less inclined to bet on the conference’s Saturday games. And besides, there is other action around anyway.
“You’d actually think the Ivy League would be a little tougher than other conferences I bet because you don’t have the information,” said Boston, who estimates that he and his partner have won close to $100,000 betting on Ivy League basketball over the last 20 years. “But because of that, I’m a little more careful with the Ivies.”
So are the sports books. Kornegay and John Avello, the director of the book at the Wynn Casino here, explained that any large bets placed quickly after a point spread was set commanded respect and raised interest.
“These guys are better handicappers than a guy who comes up to the window in a UConn shirt and wants to bet his Huskies,” Kornegay said. “So we can be more aggressive when it comes to moving the lines. We might move it a whole point after a single bet.”
After Friday, which is the last Friday of the Ivy League season, Kornegay will not have to worry about it for another 10 months.

On Friday, Ivy League Is Often the Only Game in Town for Betting Sports

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Betting Sports Forum: Sports Handicapper Discusses on Affects of Internet Gambling Ban

Betting Sports Forum: Sports Handicapper Discusses on Affects of Internet Gambling Ban

Submitted by Tony George

We all know how the Internet Gambling Ban has affected our industry as a whole, including the handicapping business over the past 3 years. Your deposits and withdrawals have become a game of cat and mouse with various offshore books because of it. Illegal gambling of sports, according to Price Waterhouse is an estimated 38 billion dollar industry currently not taxed and off the books in the US alone. Only 1% of that number is posted legally through Las Vegas Sportsbooks and taxed. The offshore numbers are cloudy, not only with sports wagering, but online casino, horse betting and poker rooms. I assume that number to be in the tens of billions as well.
I once had Beno Cook on my national radio a few years back, and he made a statement that "The only people who do not bet are in the cemetery". Word is out of Washington in a recent article I read is that that our good friend, whether you are a democrat or republican, Barney Frank, is pushing a bill to repeal the Internet gambling ban. He has a long tradition of standing firm that the original Internet gambling ban is a violation of civil rights among other things and he does not agree with it. God Bless him is all I can say. This bill gaining momentum and could change the face of the industry in a legitimate fashion very soon. The current Intenet gambling ban has also land the US government in hot water with the World Trade Organization. With claims of racketeering and money laundering charges assigned to owners of Sportsbooks offshore and Net Teller's owners, many of whom have been convicted and or jailed on plea bargains. All the while Mr. Matoff remains free after stealing 400 billion dollars from investors in a highly publicized Ponzi scheme. The US Government has made criminals out of individuals who were operating a free enterprise business in countries that allowed gaming on sports and other forms of gambling who were following the rules and paying taxes like any other corporation. Think of that, in a country that allows you legally to take a wager over the phone, and that countries federal regulators keep an eye out for shady business practices and make sure you follow the governing laws, the owners of that legal corporation set foot in the states and are arrested and charged with breaking the law. John Gotti got fairer treatment than these guys for years until his final demise. Uncle Sam is now on his knees in the world marketplace, and the federal budget deficit is in the trillions, and we are damn near broke as a country. The US Government all along has had NO problem with gambling, if they did, they would have made illegal the biggest sucker bet on the planet, The State Lotto and Powerball. What they have a problem with is they cannot regulate, tax and get fair reporting of offshore gambling or gambling within its own borders, to tax it and create revenue from it. THAT HAS BEEN THE ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN HIDDEN BY DARK HEADLINES ALL ALONG, HAVE NO ILLUSIONS.
Today on the way to work I heard a state congressman from the House of representatives in the state of Missouri on a local ESPN radio show, who is drafting a bill a gaining support to make sports betting legal in the State of Missouri and other states are also becoming friendly to the idea. It was estimated by Price Waterhouse in an formal survey and study, that the average tax revenue per state would be roughly 200 million dollars a year from sports wagering alone. Of course that depends on the amount of casinos in that state and the population, but that was the average. Think of the billions of dollars the feds would get. Think about how much money the feds need to bail us out the current mess we are, and I bet you a dime to dollar they will ease restrictions in order to create new streams of revenue into state and federal coffers.
Now is the time Uncle Sam and the States need the money, and now is the time they are taking a second look at this issue with eyes wide open. Keep an eye on your states legislation, become proactive, contact your state and federal representatives and senators, and let your voice be heard. A regulated and legal sports gambling act will also clean out all the bad seeds in the bookie business, so the only people against it are organized crime syndicates involved in gambling, and the hell with them!

Betting Sports Forum: Sports Handicapper Discusses on Affects of Internet Gambling Ban

Horse Racing Forums and Betting Sports

Horse Racing Forums and Betting Sports

The World Wide Web provides people with instant messaging, chat rooms, forums and other means of communication in order to help them express their thoughts and opinions online. Through online forums, people can share their opinions and their various thoughts on subjects and hobbies such as horse racing. In fact, many people today visit horse racing forums because of various reasons.

a) Expression, many people go to horse racing forums in order to express their various emotions regarding horse racing. In a horse racing forum, a person can share his hopes of winning, the sweet feeling of success and the bitter of defeat. Yes, a horse racing forum can help people share what they feel. In the end, isn’t that what communication is all about?

Why is it so important that people go to horse racing forums in order to express themselves? For one thing, the conventions of society today prevent us from actually expressing our selves the way that we want to. In the past, a person could about the unfairness of gambling in public and have people listen to him. Nowadays, the best thing you can hope for is that your friends won’t find you crazy. The worst thing involves prison and some very undesirable cellmates.

b) Discussion, of course. Expression can refer exclusively to you having other people listen to your ideas. However, horse racing forums also let people discuss certain subjects. This means that people are able to react to what other people have to say. You can read about opinions of others and share your thoughts on those. You will be able to interact with other people who share the same passion as you do.

This is another reason why horse racing forums are important. Sure, you know that you are not alone with your interest in horse racing.

Other people love the sport as much as you do. However, it is often the case that the people who you can talk to daily and with whom you regularly interact do not share the same passion that you do. This can frustrating. By going to a horse racing forum, you should be able to find someone with the same level of commitment that you have for horse racing.

c) Information, many people who go to online forums do so in order to gather, share, or exchange information. When you think about it, all the talking done in forums is actually free of information. To be more specific, however, some people go to horse racing forums in order to learn how to improve in the sport. They either get tips in betting, training, or riding. This can be very important for people who do not have an inside scoop on the race track.

Horse racing forums can help people in a lot of ways. People who go to horse racing forums do so in order to get an insight on minds of other people. Collectively, we may know a lot. Individually however, we each have a small fraction of the knowledge available.

Horse Racing Forums and Betting Sports

Monday, March 2, 2009

Betting Sports Sparked by Quality Online Betting Products

Betting Sports Sparked by Quality Online Betting Products

A small celebrity presence at this year’s online betting conference excited many attendees. Actors Kori Damann and Villacorta Ammann both came during the afternoon session, mostly out of personal curiosity. “I love this stuff,” said Villacorta Ammann, “and eventually, I want to start my own online betting business that will parallel my work in Hollywood.” “Wow!!!” said Stiteler Riecke, a first time conference goer, “I’m so thankful that many online betting industry heavyweights took time out to come and talk to us. I’ve learned a lot of new things, found out industry news, and was able to network successfully with others who have jobs similar to mine.” Scherbarth Mena, who spoke on the online betting industry news panel, also has a prominent blog online. Scherbarth Mena offered some fresh points of view from recent blog entries and website submissions. This was a refreshing review of the online betting market, and was very informative. Gladis Rogue, a well known online betting marketer and former CEO of the Blossom Jenison INC firm, had a great panel discussion on the legalities of online betting trade abroad. Blossom Jenison spoke briefly on current events, and then opened up the floor for Q & A from the audience.

“I’m really impressed by the presentation Fjeseth Viereck did about up-and-coming online betting businesses. The reasoning was solid, plenty of detail was provided, and some of the conclusions were very provocative,” raved Wetzstein Bonello, VP of Marketing for the Brigid Bergara Corporate body. Some area online betting commercial advertising firms also benefitted from conference attendance. One business owner stated that “I’ve got double the usual number of orders since the conferenced started… This means our company will probably have a surplus at the end of the year, and will allow us to continue strong into the next quarter!” The online betting conference also boasted an outstanding product offering, with specialty vendors and sales personel from all major companies. Kitzmiller Lebowitz supervised this segment of the conference, and stated “People are buying this online betting stuff like hotcakes…I’m thrilled about the success of these products!” Some new online betting product lines were also announced today, including the much anticipated release from Englehart, a new leader in the industry. Most of the product announcements came during the “Hot Products” session, although a few companies chose instead to present their new items in the commercial area. Corporate attendees were advised to bring at least 1,000 online betting products with them to resell, and despite this quota, many companies sold out.

Betting Sports Sparked by Quality Online Betting Products

Basketball betting: Basketball Betting Online Generates Betting Sports Tips

Basketball betting: Basketball Betting Online Generates Betting Sports Tips

By Sebastien Veilleux
Do you want to know a little secret? NBA basketball betting can make you a lot of money. NBA basketball is a game that has helped turn sports betting losers into happy sports bettors with larger bankrolls. It’s really no secret to winning sports bettors–NBA basketball is the easiest game to make money at. The game itself gives sports bettors plenty of opportunity and the ability to win right up until the end. Unlike Football, Baseball and Hockey, NBA basketball does not have limited scoring. In those other games you might see a handful–or less–of scoring executions per game. If your side gets behind too much, it’s over no matter how much time is left. However, in NBA basketball, your team is usually in the game until the end.
Think about it for a moment. If you were to bet a -8 point favorite in football and the game was tied with 6 minutes left and the other team had the ball, would you have a realistic shot at winning? The answer is probably not. However, let’s apply the same situation to an NBA basketball game and chop 4 minutes off the clock–so there’s 2 minutes left. Would you have a realistic shot at covering the 8 points? You bet! Teams must shoot the ball within 24 seconds and each made basket is worth 2 or 3 points. You would only need 3-4 baskets to make the 8 points. Granted, the other team can score too, but in the NBA, two minutes at the end of a game is an eternity when the teams are close.
Let’s look at another scenario. Imagine that it’s half time in Basketball and Football, it’s the 5th inning in Baseball and it’s the 2nd period in hockey. Which of these four following scenarios have the best outcome?
1. The team you bet on in Baseball is down by 6 runs. 2. The team you bet on in Hockey is down by 3 goals. 3. The team you bet on in Football is down by 21 points. 4. The team you bet on in NBA Basketball is down by 22 points.
The answer, of course, is number four. Scores are hard to come by in the first three options. While comebacks happen sometimes, in the NBA, teams always go on runs. Each season is filled with games where a team was down 10,15, even 20 points and came back to win. There are many other games where the underdog was down by a lot and game back to lose by just a few points. With the NBA, you are almost always in the action right up to the end of the game. Can you say that about any other sport?
Finally, let’s talk about NBA basketball totals. You might find that betting the total points in a game (under or over) is your thing and you would not be alone. There is a theory out there that those who can get a feel for totals betting are among the most successful sports bettors alive. You could debate that theory, but it does point out a very important idea.
Totals betting in NBA basketball is full of winning opportunity and the sports books don’t set them as well as the spread. Will this translate into more money in your pocket? That’s for you to decide.
If you are not on fire right now for some NBA basketball action, check your pulse. NBA basketball presents one of the greatest opportunities open to sports bettors. Don’t miss out of a great thing. Sports bettors and handicappers look forward to the NBA basketball season every year and now you know why.

Basketball betting: Basketball Betting Online Generates Betting Sports Tips